Container Masters is a SUBOTRON live pitch competition finalist!

Our game Container Masters was chosen by the jury to be a SUBOTRON live pitch competition finalist!
There were in total 16 registrations for the live pitch, but only five could be finalists, Container Masters is among them.

We now look forward to the pitch workshop with Rami Ismail in October and of course, the grand final.
You will be able to visit us at the Depot, 1070 Vienna, on Friday, 1. December 2023 at 4p.m.

Forklift standing with a crown in front of containers and a crane

Container Masters wins the Best in Class Award!

Container Masters has been awarded with the Best in Class Award of the UAS Technikum!

Together with our teammates Sebastian Hofer and Lukas Weiss, we presented our game to a panel of experts.
The experts played all games and assigned points in different categories for each game.
Five great games have been presented in total, in the end the voting was pretty close with Container Masters winning!
Our game was especially praised for its presentation, being perfectly tuned, optical appealing and with a clear UI.
You can read more about Container Masters here.

The price is to showcase Container Masters at the largest gaming event in the world, the Gamescom in Cologne!

Container Masters Best In Class certificate


All games were great, so we want to display them here.

The second place was Recursio, a 1 on 1 top-down twin stick shooter with a time loop, so you can have the best teammate in the world: yourself!

The third place got to Pizza Arena, a fun comparative Cook’n’Slash game where you have to hunt the ingredients before you can process it to delicious pizza.

Get it on Steam now!

Next was the multiplayer roguelike Rogue Together, where you have to climb up Yggdrasil together and fight mighty enemies.

You can download the game on!

Then there was Complementary, a minimalistic 2D Jump’n’Run game with many levels using its own game engine.

The game can be downloaded on!

You can read more about the event on the UAS website.

A big thank you to our two teammates Sebastian Hofer and Lukas Weiss and of course our mentor Julian Breddy.
Now we look forward to showcasing Container Masters at the Gamescom in August!

Labday Game City

Labday at the Game City 2019!

Labday will be present at the FM4 Indie Area @Game City Vienna 2019!

Come by and play Labday with your friends, check out the other great games and have a great day.

Play together or against each other. If you like the extra challenge play the hardcore mode.
For beginners, we’ve implemented a new interactive tutorial, that should get you started quickly.

We will be there from Friday to Sunday, from 9:00 to 19:00.
If you got a ticket for the „Lange Nacht der Game City“, you can see us on Friday until midnight!

You can check out the other games here.
If you can’t make it to the Game City, you can still play Labday at home, just download it here!

See you there!

P.S. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Screenshot of the LabDay Scene

New version of LabDay available to download

Since the Game Dev Days we made a few improvements on LabDay, like a better main menu (even with a quit button!) or some improvements in the level.
One or another bug may have been squished on the way :]

You can download the game for Windows here and for macOS here.

Make sure to like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to read about the next updates.
If you encounter any problem write us.

Have fun!

Mess in Peace

Mess in Peace

In the course „Active Sport Games“ we learned to use the Microsoft Kinect for games.
The Kinect is a cool device for sport games and every game that encourages the player to move.
We wanted to create a game that plays a little bit like Eye Toy for the PlayStation 2, so we created together with Tobias Klesel Mess in Peace!


After your grandmother died you inherit her house. You haven’t seen it for some time, so you take a look at it right now.
Ooooohhh, it is really a mess here! Tons of useless things lie here, so many flies fly around and the tables are really dirty.
You don’t want to live here, but you can’t sell it like that!
So start to clean the house, the cleaner it gets the higher is the selling price.


Each room has to be cleaned. Start by clapping these annoying flies around here.
Every fly you clap leaves a dirty mark on the table, so you have to clean the table afterwards.
Then you have to punch all the things away that fall directly at your head.
You play the game directly with your body, simply with the Kinect.

Ingame Screenshot from Mess in Peace

If you want to see more of the game, here is a trailer!


It was funny to develop a game for the Kinect. Sometimes frustrating, because it is a buggy, but fun anyways.
While developing, you have to to move yourself, else you can’t test your game!
Microsoft itself has stopped to update the Kinect SDK, so we had to use an old version of Unity. That was sometimes a problem, because different Unity versions aren’t alway compatible!
We won’t upload the game here because the target group for players with a Kinect connected to their PC is like 0.0001%.

Let the cleaning beginn!