Scool is a ambitious concept/prototype of a new kind of learning for elementary school students.
Today, children in the age between 6 and 10 years already know how to use smartphones, but they are not allowed to use them in school.
So Scool allows students to use their smartphones for good in school. By solving quests their teachers gave them in a game, students learn to use smartphones in a productive way.

Teachers use a web interface to create tasks, see which students already completed them and check their results.
Sarah was the project leader, she got us getting things done, keeping everything well organized and always knew what's next to do.
Besides, she made graphics, was our marketing genius and kept an eye on the finances.
Without her, the project would not have been possible, she put a lot of effort in it and always did more than requested.
Raphael, or rala, created the server that connects students with teachers and made the whole concept working.
The programming aspects of the teacher interface was also made by him.
It was super easy to work with rala, Java is his mother tongue, if you are interested in his other projects visit www.rala.io!
Beate made most of the graphics, she made like 10x more 3D-models than we could use in the game!
She also used her graphical eye for the teacher interface, which became a lot easier to use thanks to her.
Thanks to Beate, the game has its unique art style, child friendly but also appealing for adults.
To put the pieces together and write the code behind the game was John's task.
He had many ideas for the game, only a fraction of them made it into the game.

Blender was used for almost all graphics in the game.
The prototype was created with Cocos2D-X and written in C++.
Spring Boot
Spring Boot was used to create the backend.
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